Wednesday 21 September 2011

Measuring Stick!

It was always a tradition growing up in my family that when a child has a birthday their height would be recorded. As my family have moved around quite a bit, we have always used a wooden stick to record these measurements upon, so as we have moved, the stick has moved with us. Obviously, as we all grew up and left home, this tradition faded. However, my family has now grown considerably with the addition of many grandchildren and my mum and dad have re-instated this family tradition for them. As my parents are very settled where they live and its unlikely that they will move, the stick has now turned to a thin section of wall in their kitchen.
When I was over recently, I decided to re-vamp the measuring 'stick' to make it more of a feature.

Diamond Wedding Celebration

I recently got back from a trip to the UK where I was able to gather with lots of family members to celebrate my Grandparent's Diamond Wedding Anniversary (60 years)!
To contribute to the occassion I made some personalised bunting and a commemorative plate. The logo I designed consists of a diamond ring with the letters g+g in the centre (G&G is what all the grandchildren call my grandparents). Below the ring are two leaves from an oak tree and 1951 is when they got married. Around the edge of the plate are 23 acorns which represent their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.