Tuesday, 4 September 2012

oskah. shop update


The bless Shop

Check out the latest products in the bless shop. A couple of oskah treats can be found in amongst illustrations by Jon White, knitted hats by Hanna Snailham and sweet bless merch.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Tea Towel

I recently designed this tea towel and had them printed up. They are for sale in my shop! And not just a tea towel; stick one in a frame and hang it in your home.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Mountain Jumper

A friend drew my attention to this awesome knitted sweater a while back by Sirena Con Jersey.
When my mother-in-law asked what she could knit next for Pixie, I remembered this sweater and asked if she could try and create the same sort of thing. Here is the end result...amazing! I hope this will be one of those family heir loom type things that keep getting passed down the line.

Zig Zag Wall

I have been loving zig zags on interior walls and features recently. So much so, that I did it to one of walls in our hallway at Bethanie (above).
Here is some zig zag inspiration:

Special Edition Oskimo

I originally made one of these Oskimo couples last year as an engagement present for two of my friends. Just recently another two of my friends got engaged and I thought this gift would be perfect for them too. As I was making it I remembered I had a wedding anniversary coming up and so I made one as a gift for my husband which included a little blonde beard for him. I am considering doing an Oskimo family in the future.