Tuesday, 4 September 2012

oskah. shop update


The bless Shop

Check out the latest products in the bless shop. A couple of oskah treats can be found in amongst illustrations by Jon White, knitted hats by Hanna Snailham and sweet bless merch.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Tea Towel

I recently designed this tea towel and had them printed up. They are for sale in my shop! And not just a tea towel; stick one in a frame and hang it in your home.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Mountain Jumper

A friend drew my attention to this awesome knitted sweater a while back by Sirena Con Jersey.
When my mother-in-law asked what she could knit next for Pixie, I remembered this sweater and asked if she could try and create the same sort of thing. Here is the end result...amazing! I hope this will be one of those family heir loom type things that keep getting passed down the line.

Zig Zag Wall

I have been loving zig zags on interior walls and features recently. So much so, that I did it to one of walls in our hallway at Bethanie (above).
Here is some zig zag inspiration:

Special Edition Oskimo

I originally made one of these Oskimo couples last year as an engagement present for two of my friends. Just recently another two of my friends got engaged and I thought this gift would be perfect for them too. As I was making it I remembered I had a wedding anniversary coming up and so I made one as a gift for my husband which included a little blonde beard for him. I am considering doing an Oskimo family in the future.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas Craft

Oskah may have seemed quite quiet recently...thats because I've been very busy crafting Christmas Presents for friends and family and I couldnt possibly have ruined their surprises! But now it is Christmas, the crafty cat is out the bag!

Me and my husband, Matt, have been doing pyrography onto chopping boards and wooden spoons, typography onto mugs (thanks design mom for that one!), making our own chai tea bags and spiced hot choc, painting perpetual calendars, knitting hats, sewing cushion covers, cutting hearts out of maps, putting brownie mix into jars and burning mix CDs...and now, we can relax!
Happy Christmas to you all!